Wednesday 29 April 2009

My Poem


It's when I do what all kids do in the morning
It's when I leave home and start walking
When I hope the day won't bring anything bad
When I go with books, food and drink in my bag.

Then it's there, not knowing if it's right
My nervousness, so uncertain, so not fun
Do I have what needs to be done?
How am I not sure, since I know I checked last night?

Walking the same way in opposite direction
I know the doubts were all for nothing
But soon the fresh relief is over
And the unpleasant fear's returning.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

What is multimedia poetry?

Multimedia poetry, also known as video-poems, cine-poetry, or poetry films is a mixed media format in which poem, image and sound interact symbiotically. Also, it is sometimes text that is written on the screen, or text that is simply interpreted by the visual artist with imagery and music. It is the perfect combination of image and word that takes cinema and poetry to a brave new threshold. The visual images often deepen the author's meaning, provide startling contrast, or locate new alliances within the inherent metaphors of the poet's text. Stills, animation, computer graphics, and filmed imagery, can all broaden and enhance the experience of the listener/viewer. With the addition of music or other complementary sounds, the result is a striking and welcome alternative to traditional poetry recitals.